What They Say is True

2014-05-11 16.29.44(Hiking in Alaska)

 Instagram ate my blog. There’s really no way around it. I’ve sat down to write many, many times…in my head. I’ve crafted post titles and picked out images to use and constructed paragraphs…in my head.

My blog writing has been a tiny bit left in the dust. My Instagram feed is flourishing, but the blog? Not so much. We hit the ground running on January 1st and we haven’t stopped. I’ve dubbed 2014 #themckaysyearonthemove. That’s all we’ve been doing and that’s all we will be doing for the foreseeable future.

What’s the story behind #themckaysyearonthemove? We’re waiting for Matt’s next career to kick into gear this summer. In January, our lease was up at the apartment. So, we decided to sell most of our stuff, pack the car and hit the road. So far we’ve made it to Mississippi, Florida, Texas & Alaska. We’ve got a couple more places up our sleeve and we’ve been having the time of our lives.

I hope to jump on here a little more frequently than I have been, but – in the mean time – if you want to follow our adventures you can request to follow me on Instagram.