to my husband, on his birthday

(Top of the Shilthorn | Gimmelwald, Switzerland)

You are the most amazing man I have ever met.

You are my hero.

Since you turn 30 today, sweetheart, I wanted to list the top 30 things I love about you.

1. You love the Lord with all your heart.

2. You love me like Christ loves the Church.

3. You encourage me & others in their walk with the Lord.

4. You don’t give up; you persevere.

5. You are thoughtful & kind.

6. You hear my heart, not just my words.

7. You are adventurous.

8. You aren’t afraid to try something new.

9. You go with the flow.

10. You accept people where they are.

11. You stand by your convictions & beliefs.

12. You don’t worry about what others think about you.

13. You workout so hard & know how to discipline your body.

14. You are not quick to anger.

15. You hide God’s Word in your heart.

16. You write me sweet love notes just because.

17. You are a man’s man.

18. You are so sincere.

19. You desire to serve the Lord wherever He calls you.

20. You are the first to take my hand when we are walking somewhere.

21. You love our unborn son & I just know you’re going to be an amazing daddy.

22. You know how to set goals and dream and reach beyond your comfort zone.

23. You are loyal.

24. You are a hard worker.

25. You are strong & bold and yet so sweet & tender towards me.

26. You are a servant-leader.

27. You have a wonderful sense of humor.

28. You always know just what to say to calm my heart.

29. You take care of me before you take care of yourself.

30. You are YOU. Wonderful. Amazing. Handsome. Strong. The Best Man in the World.

I love you, baby!

Happy Birthday!!!!


Me (and Isaac)